
The Launch

Application Form

The Launch Application Form

Your Name


Your Name


Your Name


Your Address


Your Address


Your Address


Your Email Address


Your Email Address


Your Email Address


Your Phone Number


Your Phone Number


Your Phone Number


What are your pronouns?


What are your pronouns?


What are your pronouns?


If other, please describe

If other, please describe

If other, please describe

The Program is open to individuals who self-identify as Indigenous, Black, and/or Persons of Colour (IBPOC), persons with a disability, persons who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented individuals who identify as diverse. With which group(s) do you identify?


The Program is open to individuals who self-identify as Indigenous, Black, and/or Persons of Colour (IBPOC), persons with a disability, persons who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented individuals who identify as diverse. With which group(s) do you identify?


The Program is open to individuals who self-identify as Indigenous, Black, and/or Persons of Colour (IBPOC), persons with a disability, persons who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented individuals who identify as diverse. With which group(s) do you identify?


If unlisted underrepresented community, please describe

If unlisted underrepresented community, please describe

If unlisted underrepresented community, please describe

Bio (75 words max)


Bio (75 words max)


Bio (75 words max)


Filmography (include at least one project in development)


Filmography (include at least one project in development)


Filmography (include at least one project in development)


Project Title


Project Title


Project Title


Please specify your role in the project (Director, Producer, etc.)


Please specify your role in the project (Director, Producer, etc.)


Please specify your role in the project (Director, Producer, etc.)


Project Phase


Project Phase


Project Phase


Funding in place (if applicable, only list funders)

Funding in place (if applicable, only list funders)

Funding in place (if applicable, only list funders)

Project Synopsis (200 words max)


Project Synopsis (200 words max)


Project Synopsis (200 words max)


Trailer link (If applicable)

Trailer link (If applicable)

Trailer link (If applicable)

Trailer password

Trailer password

Trailer password




Why should you be the one to tell this documentary story, and why now?


Why should you be the one to tell this documentary story, and why now?


Why should you be the one to tell this documentary story, and why now?


Company Profile (if applicable 50-150 words)

Company Profile (if applicable 50-150 words)

Company Profile (if applicable 50-150 words)

Do you have accessibility requirements you would like us to be aware of?

Do you have accessibility requirements you would like us to be aware of?

Do you have accessibility requirements you would like us to be aware of?

Can you attend the live pitch in Lunenburg, which will fall on a date between September 18-22, 2024?


Can you attend the live pitch in Lunenburg, which will fall on a date between September 18-22, 2024?


Can you attend the live pitch in Lunenburg, which will fall on a date between September 18-22, 2024?



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